No more “one and done” training
Imagine this…
You’ve just been to a workshop over Zoom where you learned new concepts, practiced with your team and discussed your “ah-ha” moments. At lunch, still wearing your PJs, you grabbed a coffee and made a sandwich while looking at your list of a dozen new ideas. You created an action plan and you’re excited to use what you’ve learned.
But then you get back to your desk, to a million emails that came in while you were away. You put your notepad away and start plowing through the backlog. A week later, you see your list of ideas but don’t have time to do anything about it.
Sound familiar?
How about we try this instead…
Sustained learning that drives measurable results
Here’s how it works:
To truly change behaviour, you need a program to help people learn, take action and reinforce that action. We’ll work with you to create a multi-step program so your team can learn, apply and then adjust as needed to create long-term change.
A few more details:
Custom quotes: Our goal is to help you and your team reach your business goals. Please be ready to have a conversation with us about what you’d like to achieve. We don’t quote for work without understanding your needs.
Session design: We’ll begin by focusing on your business objectives. Next, we’ll agree on what you want your people to know, feel and do differently after a session. Based on your desired outcomes, we’ll use one of our existing programs or design something just for you.
Logistics: To make it easy to get your team together, we offer on-site or online training.
Workshop list: You may have heard of some of our most popular programs like Mind Mapping, Making it Happen, or Positive Intelligence. Scroll down to see more.
Hot Workshops
DiSC Workplace®
Learn to build more effective relationships at work — regardless of title or position. This program teaches you to understand yourself and others while appreciating the different priorities, preferences and values each individual brings to the workplace. With personalized insights and actionable strategies, you’ll learn how to adapt to the style of others, ultimately improving engagement, collaboration, and the overall quality of the workplace. Take this with your team to reach a new level of results! Read more here.
Mind Mapping
While working in a corporate job in 2004, I learned mind mapping with Buzan International (the world authority on mind mapping) and have been teaching it ever since.
I have taught thousands of people how to incorporate mind maps into their lives to help plan projects, take notes and prepare for meetings. Read more here.
The Five Behaviors®
At work, the only constant is change. It can feel impossible to develop a truly cohesive team. The truth: teams rarely hit their collaborative peak and potential unconsciously. With the proper framework, developing and practicing teamwork comes consistently, and relationships thrive—taking your organization to the next level. The Five Behaviors® Team Development can transform your perspective and how you come together as a team. Read more here.
MBTI for Teams
You and each of your team members have unique ways in which you perceive the world and make decisions. Sometimes it can be frustrating when your preferences differ from someone else’s, for example, when one person likes to plan in detail and the other is ready to start right away! This course is for teams who want to build trust, understand each other better and find the best way to produce results together. Best Work Yet is an Authorized Provider of MBTI profiles. Read more here.
Making it Happen
In this time management course, you’ll learn tools, tips, and techniques for getting your work done and meeting your targets. We’ll look at how you can achieve your big picture goals (and get the essential small things done too!) through prioritizing work that moves your business forward and working with your energy levels. You’ll learn how to reprioritize as things shift and manage distractions to stay focused on the activities that make you most effective. Read more here.
Positive Intelligence
Your mind can be your best friend or your worst enemy. Negative self-talk and destructive forms of thinking are getting in the way of you experiencing your full potential. Small, daily habits can bring about lasting change to your behaviour and mindset. By learning mental fitness skills and incorporating mindfulness practices into your life, you can reduce stress, improve your productivity and enhance your relationships. Read more here.